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Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A

26. [C] essential

27. [M] suspicion

28. [G] miserable

29. [A] constantly

30. [O] watching

31. [J] records

32. [K] removed

33. [F] load

34. [I] properly

35. [H] pressure


26题根据上下文得知,此处应该是说人与人之间信任的重要性。很明显答案C. essential符合条件,B选项有可信的意思,看到此选项可能下意识地会选这个答案,但翻译成“信任是可信的”,和主旨无关,此处还是讨论信任的重要性。



Section B

36. [G] The Chetty data shows that neighborhoods and places mattered for children born in the San Jose area of the 1980s.

37. [D] The reasons kids in San Jose performed so well might seem obvious.

38. [K] The idea that those at the bottom can rise to the top is central to America's ideas about itself.

39. [B] Indeed, data suggests that this is one of the best places to grow up poor in America.

40. [J] But in today's America-a land of rising inequality

41. [I] Leaders in San Jose are determined to make sure that the city regains its status as a place where even poor kids can access the resources to succeed.

42. [E] Indeed, the streets of San Jose seem, in some ways, to embody the best of America.

43. [C] By contrast, just 4.4 percent of poor kids in Charlotte moved up to the top

44. [H] Some San Jose residents say that as inequality has grown in recent years

45. [F] But researchers aren 't sure exactly why poor kids in San Jose did so well.


38题干主旨表达的是如果该市的问题不解决将会动摇美国的根本信仰,对应K项中的America's ideas about itself.和foundational belief.可以进行匹配。

41题干第一句该市的官员,可以定位到[I]选项第一句Leaders in San Jose, 且 该句直接表明了目的,就是为了提升贫困孩子触达成功的机会。

42题中的manifest词汇较为生僻,但后面的some of the best features可以理解说的是关于美国最好的几点特质,对应到[E]选项to embody the best of America.

44 题干关键信息是 increases in housing prices,快速浏览后可以定位到[H]项多次提到如Rent,homelessness problem, housing prices等与住房相关的信息

Section C

Passage One

46. [D] They lack the necessary resources to address pupils’ mental problems.

47. [A] They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.

48. [B] At school.

49. [C] Students are more comfortable seeking counselling in school.

50. [D] A change in the conception of what schools are.


46题A和B选项属于无中生有,C选项说的是学校在实施干预方面举措不利,但是根据原文第二段第二句,how ill-equipped they feel 可以看出主体是老师自己而不是学校,此处是一个偷换概念的陷阱,还是要基于文章的意思判断。

47题的C选项与原文第三段最后一句意义相反;B和D选项也是无中生有,A选项中出现了一个生词,但最后出现的budgets cuts还是可以帮助我们定位到第三段第二句。

49. A和B均属无中生有,D选项则偷换了概念,原文是指学生们更愿意在校内进行心理辅导而不是外面的心理咨询,D选项则替换成了校外活动。

Passage Two

51. [A] To illustrate people’s peculiar shopping behavior.

52. [D] To make customers believe they are getting a bargain.

53. [B] The E conomist’s promotional strategy works.

54. [C] To trap customers into buying the more pricey item.

55. [B] By comparing it with other choices.




53 题A选项看似符合常理,但并不是Dan的研究成果内容,属于张冠李戴;C项文中并没有提及是卖的最好的; 最后的D项也偷换了概念,很有迷惑性,研究结果的意思是如果没有纸质加电子版这个选项的话,大部分人还是会选择更便宜的电子版,但和纸质版对比,同样的价格还可以获得电子版,所以人们会更倾向选择print plus digital,而不是digital


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